Integrated 4-core ARM Cortex-A9 processor and 4-core SPARC-V8 processor
Integrated H.265/264/JPEG codec and JPEG2000 encoder
Integrated rich on-chip peripherals, including CameraLink, MIPI
BT1120, LVDS Display, RapidIO, PCIe, GigaEthernet, USB2.0, Nand Flash Controller, QSPI Nor Flash Controller, SDIO, 1M/10M 1553B Bus Controller, CAN Bus Controller, EMI Controller, SPI Master, I2C Master, I2S controller, UART, Timer, Counter, DMA, Watchdog, GPIO, PWM, SM4 encryption and decryption engine and other functional modules.
Provide TT810 supporting SDK, which is convenient for customers to develop AI software programme quickly and efficiently. Support TensorFlow, Caffe and other AI development frameworks, support OPENCL/OPENVX/OPENCV and other software libraries for AI development. Support eCOS, FreeRTOS, VxWorks, Linux, sylixos and other real-time embedded operating systems
Intelligent security
Intelligent Manufacturing
Intelligent Transport